Module Excmd.Parser

type 'a t
type script = AST.t
exception ParseError of Tokens.token Lexer.located


val error_loctoken_exn : exn -> Tokens.token Lexer.located

Parsing entry-points

val script : ?⁠exn:bool -> Lexer.buffer -> script option

Invoke the Excmd parser with intent to consume, and produce, an entire Excmd-script.

val script_of_string : ?⁠exn:bool -> string -> script option

Helper to invoke script with a string.

val expression : ?⁠exn:bool -> Lexer.buffer -> Expression.t option

Invoke the Excmd parser with intent to consume, and produce, a single Excmd Expression.t.

val expression_of_string : ?⁠exn:bool -> string -> Expression.t option

Helper to invoke expression with a string.

Menhir-generated parsing automata

val script_automaton : AST.t t

Alias to ParserAutomaton.script.

val expression_automaton : AST.expression t

Alias to ParserAutomaton.expression.


val parse : ?⁠exn:bool -> Lexer.buffer -> 'a t -> 'a option

A simple helper for Menhir-style parsers. Applies the given parser to the given lexbuf.

val parse_string : ?⁠exn:bool -> string -> 'a t -> 'a option

A helper to apply the given Menhir-style parser to a string directly.