Module Excmd.Lexer

type buffer


type position = Lexing.position = {
pos_fname : string;
pos_lnum : int;
pos_bol : int;
pos_cnum : int;
val pp_position : Format.formatter -> position -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_position : position -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type 'a located = 'a * position * position
type 'a gen = unit -> 'a option
exception LexError of position * string
val sedlex_of_buffer : buffer -> Sedlexing.lexbuf


val buffer_of_sedlex : Sedlexing.lexbuf -> buffer
val buffer_of_string : string -> buffer
val token : Tokens.token located -> Tokens.token


val example_tokens : Tokens.token array

A static list of all tokens available at runtime, with arbitrary (but legal) payloads when appropriate.

(Necessary for the incremental parser.)

val compare_token : Tokens.token -> Tokens.token -> bool
val show_token : Tokens.token -> string

show_token tok will provide an arbitrary, unique string-representation of that token, useful for debugging purposes. e.g. show_token SEMICOLON would return "SEMICOLON".

For a more human-friendly version, see example_of_token.

val example_of_token : Tokens.token -> string option

example_of_token tok will provide an example string that, when consumed by the lexer (in, of course, an appropriate position), would produce the given token. e.g. example_of_token FLAG_LONG would produce "--flag".

Notably, this *does not* produce a full, parseable input-fragment; simple an example of one token. e.g. example_of_token COMMENT produces "comment", not "/* comment */".

val token_is_erroneous : Tokens.token -> bool

token_is_erroneous tok indicates whether lexing should reasonably be expected to continue after reading tok.

This lexer will return tokens, instead of raising exceptions, for some common failure-states; this allows error-handling to be lifted into the parser, and more importantly, allows incremental recovery. In the parser itself, this is handled simply by not handling these erroneous tokens; if you're calling the lexer directly for any reason, you can use this function to ensure valid output.

val token_body : Tokens.token -> string option

token_body tok produces Some string_payload if the token carries a body-payload, and None if that type of token has no payload (or in the case of errors - see token_is_erroneous.) e.g. token_body (IDENTIFIER "hi") yields "hi".

val token_is_erroneous : Tokens.token -> bool

token_is_erroneous tok indicates whether lexing should reasonably be expected to continue after reading tok.

This lexer will return tokens, instead of raising exceptions, for some common failure-states; this allows error-handling to be lifted into the parser, and more importantly, allows incremental recovery. In the parser itself, this is handled simply by not handling these erroneous tokens; if you're calling the lexer directly for any reason, you can use this function to ensure valid output.

val token_error_message : Tokens.token -> string option

token_error_message tok produces Some message if the token represents a lexing-error (see token_is_erroneous), and None for all non-erroneous tokens.

val start_lnum : Tokens.token located -> int
val start_cnum : Tokens.token located -> int
val end_lnum : Tokens.token located -> int
val end_cnum : Tokens.token located -> int
val error_loc_exn : exn -> position
val error_desc_exn : exn -> string
val position_fname : position -> string
val position_lnum : position -> int
val position_bol : position -> int
val position_cnum : position -> int

Lexing functions

val next_loc : buffer -> Tokens.token located
val next_loc_exn : buffer -> Tokens.token located
val next : buffer -> Tokens.token
val next_exn : buffer -> Tokens.token
val gen_loc : buffer -> Tokens.token located gen
val gen_loc_exn : buffer -> Tokens.token located gen
val gen : buffer -> Tokens.token gen
val gen_exn : buffer -> Tokens.token gen
val tokens_loc : buffer -> Tokens.token located array
val tokens_loc_exn : buffer -> Tokens.token located array
val tokens : buffer -> Tokens.token array
val tokens_exn : buffer -> Tokens.token array
val show_loctoken : Tokens.token located -> string

show_loctoken tok displays the internal OCaml representation of the located token tok.

val string_of_loctoken : Tokens.token located -> string

string_of_loctoken tok displays a simple, human-readable representation of the located token tok.

val string_of_position : position -> string

string_of_position pos displays a simple, human-readable representation of the individual position pos.